Update of Oct. 22, 2010
Important News/Announcements:
Good Advice & Voting Reminder from KS for his personal websites of "the Jesus Information Net"!

    WARNING! NOV. 2, 2010 IS ALMOST HERE! America, you had better start listening to the prescient 1967 advice that we got from the now-deceased Christian pastor Richard Wurmbrand-- you will find some of it reproduced below. His words are of vital concern to our still-free people in regard to the critical USA election-day of Nov. 2, 2010.
[QUOTE #1] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    If America Falls, Militant Communism Takes Over The Entire World...

    Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the Jewish/Christian author of Tortured For Christ (1967), writing again in The Wurmbrand Letters (1967 also), gives us the loud warning against the threat of radical-liberal ideology and Marxist imperialism that is found in the quotation below. In this passage, Rev. Wurmbrand sounds for all the churches in the US a clear alarm concerning the very real and very current threat of infiltration by socialists and Marxist Communists:

    Today, America is the hope of many enslaved men, because it is the last bastion of freedom in the world. Only America has the power and spiritual resources to stand as a barrier between militant Communism and the peoples of the free world. It is the last dike holding back the rampaging floodwaters of militant Communism. If it crumples, there is no other dike; no other dam; no other line of defense to fall back upon.
    I have seen fellow-prisoners in Communist prisons beaten, tortured, with fifty pounds of chains on their legs-- praying for America . . . that the dike will not crumple; that it will remain free. I, too, have shared this hope and prayer with my fellow-prisoners. Now I share a great concern for America. This gives me the right and duty to speak. For me and for millions of enslaved [Christians] around the world, America is our last resort.
          -- from p. 5 in Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's book The Wurmbrand Letters, in the 1972 edition

    Christians in the US today must rise up and ACT for the protection of our God-given American liberties; we must all VOTE against atheistic Liberalism and Socialism on Nov. 2-- or even BEFORE then with the Early Voting process available in many states of the US.
   We can now finally vote AGAINST the tyranny of Marxist Socialism and FOR the Judeo-Christian liberties that are the proud heritage of America! Don't let Radical Liberals and National Socialists continue to dominate a once-free nation with the abominations of their Radical Liberal monopoly on all 3 branches of government. Instead, get the Liberals and Radicals removed from the places of power... and create some real opposition to all the anti- Christian, anti-God, pro-socialism liberals of the current administration!
   Vote FOR conservatives, FOR the Christian heritage of the USA, and AGAINST the current administration's "radical transformation of America" into something new called "CHANGE"-- because it's actually something that is easily recognizable as a Communist takeover!

[QUOTE #2] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    What A Communist Take Over Is Like...!

    In the introduction to his 1967 book The Wurmbrand Letters, Romanian pastor Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, who moved to the US in 1966, has written the warning for the West found in the passage below:

   I have been an eye-witness to the Communist take over of my homeland. I have lived under Communism. I can assure you it is not simply "changing one social order for another." It is not simply a "different approach to economic problems." A take over by Communism is the total destruction of civilization as we know it and everything we hold dear. It is a violent destruction of all values, the ferocity of which you cannot imagine. I have seen it happen with my eyes.
   I can tell you firsthand the future which men are planning now for America and your little "Mary" or your little "Billy" who now play on the carpet before your eyes.
   It is said that one out of ten of our people of Rumania has passed through Communist prisons. In the West, where capitalism flourishes more than before with us and you have such independent, free peoples, it will be a much greater number. I have seen prisons packed with prisoners. The youngest was 9, the oldest 92. I have seen Christian children of 13 with their teeth kicked out and their bones broken, lying in cells in agony. I know of children beaten to death before the eyes of their parents because these were Christians. The horrible sounds of cells full of young children crying in the dark for their mothers and fathers can never be told. I have heard this many, many nights all night long. This is a Communist take over. It is not a "changing of social systems," but a bloody purge which reaches out to touch almost every family of a country. In our land, almost every family had a loved one imprisoned, beaten, tortured or killed.
   Recently in Red China, Catholic priests were buried alive. We have news that the Red Guard which beat men publicly on the streets has gone into the jails and there, out of sight, has cut off the ears, tongues and legs of Christian prisoners.
   If the Communists come to power in the West, this will be your fate and the fate of your children. It will touch every family as it did with us in Rumania. In my book "Tortured for Christ" I have given many proofs from Communist sources about the anti-Christian terror now reigning in the Communist countries. Just now, mass-arrests of Christians are happening across the Soviet Union. Some of those arrested have died as a result of the tortures. This is in Russia. Today! There has never existed one Communist country in which Christians have not been jailed, unspeakably tortured and killed. Is America-- the big target-- going to be any different? Remember, this isn't research, study or hypothetical dreaming. I have seen it happen. This is the "paradise" and the new social order" which the Communists prepare for America and the whole free world!
   Read the books of Marx and Lenin and you will see that they will never be satisfied with less than world revolution. The whole world must be under their domination. Some say they are becoming more "practical" and "realistic" and not so doctrinaire. This is the "intermediate" step to lull America to sleep.
              -- from p. 8-9, The Wurmbrand Letters by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, in the 1972 edition

    Vote "No" on Nov. 2, 2010 (in the USA)! Serve King Jesus Christ as a Christian worker on Earth... be His genuine follower by not failing to vote for the Christian heritage of the US!

    Vote with a good conscience on Nov. 2 and vote for:

    No atheistic Marxist-agenda conquest of the USA.
    No Presidential takeover of the US government.
    No Islamophobic surrender to Muslim terrorists/invaders.
    No Big Brother control/surveilance by radical liberals.
    No more Socialist Liberals' censorship of conservative news radio, the mass media, and the church pulpits.
    No more big-government domination of a once-free people.
    No more enslavement to Caesar's rule; no position of lordship for Caesar (or Obama).
    No more Communist incursions and inroads for the map of the USA.
    No more National Socialism dictatorship maneuvers in the USA.
    No more liberal re-writing of history or "re-interpreting" of America's historic Constitution.
    No more "fundamental transformation" by Obama (and his cronies) of America's Constitutional Republic.
    No more re-defining of the Constitution's plain language.
    No more submission to the lies of "judicial interpretation" and a "living" (i.e. unfixed, malleable, and "open to re-interpretation") Constitution.
    No more circumventing the Constitution with "executive orders" and unelected "czars."
    No more giving of power to unGodly judges and unGodly politicians.
    No more wild deficit-spending by radical liberals and socialism-aimed poiticians.
    No more treasonous and immoral behavior from radical-liberal politicians.
    No further stealing of America's God-given freedoms by the federal government.
    No further theft of "state's rights" by the imperialistic federal government.
    No further destruction of America's long-cherished Christian heritage.
    No surrender to America's anti-God minorities.
    No surrender to Godless Liberalism.

    If you are a citizen of the USA on Nov 2, 2010... then take a stand for the Christian Freedom heritage of the USA by voting AGAINST the further advance of Communism/National Socialism in the USA.

    Vote against every anti-Christian politician, every liberal, and every devil-serving Dim- wit in this next election. The devilish Dem-wits can't save us from Almighty YHWH God's judgment upon an unrighteous and anti-God society... but faith in Jesus Christ can. Vote AGAINST the anti-Christ forces if you serve Jesus only and Caesar is NOT your Lord. Vote AGAINST Satan's lies, AGAINST the Anti-Christ trends, and FOR Almighty YHWH God's truth on Nov 2.

    Be Bible-minded in your voting and vote for the good guys, NOT for the bad guys! Let Jesus be Lord! No king but Jesus!

    You can vote even before Nov. 2, in many USA states, with the Early Voting process! Vote TODAY if you can!

[QUOTE #3] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    US Church Leaders Neglect A Duty To Their Own Flocks...

    Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the Jewish/Christian author of Tortured For Christ (1967), writing again in The Wurmbrand Letters (1967 also), gives us the loud warning against the threat of radical-liberal ideology and Marxist imperialism that is found in the quotation below. In this passage, Rev. Wurmbrand sounds for all the churches in the US a clear alarm concerning the very real and very current threat of infiltration by socialists and Marxist Communists:

    I come from the Communist world, and I write and speak mostly about Communism, but I am not obsessed with the Communist problem. Wesley has said "The whole world is my parish," and I could say the same thing about myself. Many of the Western church leaders are guilty not only of neglecting the suffering Christians behind the Iron Curtain, they are guilty of neglecting their duties toward the whole world. I could say that in some ways the situation of the church behind the Iron Curtain is much less alarming than that of the church in the West. In England the number of those who go to church is decreasing continually. At Easter 1966 only three per cent of the population of London attended a religious service. In Great Britain, of each thousand of children who go to Sunday school, only 27 become afterwards members of the church. In the whole of Scandinavia the percentage of those who attend regularly church services is something around 5 per cent. Have you seen your church leaders very concerned about this?
    Some of the Western church leaders are shepherds who don't care for their own flocks, and it may seen naive from my part to have asked from them to care for the persecuted flock behind the Iron Curtain.
    But now I don't speak any more to them. I speak to you, the rank and file Christian and pastor. You must know the truth which your leaders hide from you.
    Lenin wrote in his 15th Volume, "The Marxist must be a materialist, it is an enemy of religion." The enmity between Marxism and Christianity is as fundamental as the enmity between God and Satan, and between sin and righteousness.
    Communists, as long as they remain Communists, can never be something else than mass torturers and mass killers of Christians, and mass poisoners of children and youth with atheism.
    The blood of the killed brethren and the blood of the children whose souls will be lost because of the atheism which they have been taught, will be on your church leaders which have complied with Communism. But will it be only on them? Will it not be on you, too?
          -- from p. 140-141 in Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's book The Wurmbrand Letters, in the 1972 edition

[QUOTE #4] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    US Church Leaders Don't Protest Against Communist Atrocities...

    Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the Jewish/Christian author of Tortured For Christ (1967), writing again in The Wurmbrand Letters (1967 also), gives us the loud warning against the threat of radical-liberal ideology and Marxist imperialism that is found in the quotation below. In this passage, Rev. Wurmbrand sounds for all the churches in the US a clear alarm concerning the very real and very current threat of infiltration by socialists and Marxist Communists:

    Never can any church leader who loves Christ ever think about anything else than that the power of anti-Christ must be overthrown, and that we must join hands with those behind the Iron Curtain, who after more than 50 years of terror, still defy the oppressors and fight against them.
    Lenin, in his book, What Is To Do, written in 1903, asked the Communists to exploit the persecution of the Protestant sects for their own purposes and the Communists really did it. The adversaries of Communism are not as wise as the children of this world. The Communists used the wrong done by the Czarist authorities against Protestantism for their purposes. The West doesn't use this persecution of Christians for propagating the cause of freedom and we don't even publish the facts!
          -- from p. 142 in Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's book The Wurmbrand Letters, in the 1972 edition

[QUOTE #5] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    Many Church Leaders In US Assist In Communist Takeover Of America...!

    In the introduction to his 1967 book The Wurmbrand Letters, Romanian pastor Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, who moved to the US in 1966, has written the warning for the West found in the passage below:

   You, free Westerners, your fate will be tragic if you will not counteract Communism in your country. Don't be lulled to sleep by certain of your church leaders who work day and night to soften your opposition to Communism, to cause you to forget its dangers!
   I know that I am a very insignificant Christian, but you hear through me the warning of those who cannot speak for themselves-- the warning of the Underground Church which speaks out of fifty years of Communist torture and killings. It is this Underground Church which is the only effective opposition in Communist lands today. It is this Church which warns you that if you do not help it, its fate may well be yours.
   Consciously or unconsciously, some Western church leaders work day and night at the softening of the West's resistance to Communism, at the lulling to sleep of its people.To me, this is betrayal.
   It is betrayal of the millions of Westerners who will pay the price we have paid in Rumania.
   It is betrayal of their children who will suffer what our children have suffered.
   Apostate Churchianity may enter into an agreement with Communism, but Christianity will never do so.
   You, free Westerners, learn from our tragedy!
              -- from p. 27-28, The Wurmbrand Letters by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, in the 1972 edition

[Quote #6] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    He Would Not Stay Silent As America Was Being Betrayed For A Takeover By Socialists...

    Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the Jewish/Christian author of Tortured For Christ (1967), writing again in his later book The Wurmbrand Letters (1967 also), gives us the loud warning against the threat of radical-liberal ideology and Marxist imperialism that is found in the quotation below. In this passage, Rev. Wurmbrand sounds for all the churches in the US a clear alarm concerning the very real and very current threat of infiltration by socialists and Marxist Communists:

    A native of Rumania, I have been an eye-witness to my first fatherland's betrayal, overthrow and fall to Communism. It has not been through sheer, brute, military force of the Soviets but also through a subtle and infinitely clever betrayal from within which paved the way for the final physical take over. I wept when I saw it happen before my eyes. Now that I have come to America, I have been astonished beyond words and deeply grieved as I see the same symptoms, the same step-by-step betrayal which overthrew my first fatherland. It is like a nightmare which I have lived through, happening again . . . coming back a second time. I spoke out without counting the cost when I eye-witnessed my first fatherland, Rumania, being betrayed. I will not now remain silent as I see the same symptoms, the same tragedy beginning to happen again to my second fatherland, America.
          -- from p. 5 in Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's book The Wurmbrand Letters, in the 1972 edition


Update of Oct. 22, 2010
Important News/Announcements:
Good Advice & Voting Reminder from RKS for his personal websites of "the Jesus Information Net"!

    WARNING! NOV. 2, 2010 IS ALMOST HERE! America, you had better start listening to the prescient 1967 advice that we got from the now-deceased Christian pastor Richard Wurmbrand-- you will find some of it reproduced below. His words are of vital concern to our still-free people in regard to the critical USA election-day of Nov. 2, 2010.
[QUOTE #1] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    If America Falls, Militant Communism Takes Over The Entire World...

    Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the Jewish/Christian author of Tortured For Christ (1967), writing again in The Wurmbrand Letters (1967 also), gives us the loud warning against the threat of radical-liberal ideology and Marxist imperialism that is found in the quotation below. In this passage, Rev. Wurmbrand sounds for all the churches in the US a clear alarm concerning the very real and very current threat of infiltration by socialists and Marxist Communists:

    Today, America is the hope of many enslaved men, because it is the last bastion of freedom in the world. Only America has the power and spiritual resources to stand as a barrier between militant Communism and the peoples of the free world. It is the last dike holding back the rampaging floodwaters of militant Communism. If it crumples, there is no other dike; no other dam; no other line of defense to fall back upon.
    I have seen fellow-prisoners in Communist prisons beaten, tortured, with fifty pounds of chains on their legs-- praying for America . . . that the dike will not crumple; that it will remain free. I, too, have shared this hope and prayer with my fellow-prisoners. Now I share a great concern for America. This gives me the right and duty to speak. For me and for millions of enslaved [Christians] around the world, America is our last resort.
          -- from p. 5 in Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's book The Wurmbrand Letters, in the 1972 edition

    Christians in the US today must rise up and ACT for the protection of our God-given American liberties; we must all VOTE against atheistic Liberalism and Socialism on Nov. 2-- or even BEFORE then with the Early Voting process available in many states of the US.
   We can now finally vote AGAINST the tyranny of Marxist Socialism and FOR the Judeo-Christian liberties that are the proud heritage of America! Don't let Radical Liberals and National Socialists continue to dominate a once-free nation with the abominations of their Radical Liberal monopoly on all 3 branches of government. Instead, get the Liberals and Radicals removed from the places of power... and create some real opposition to all the anti- Christian, anti-God, pro-socialism liberals of the current administration!
   Vote FOR conservatives, FOR the Christian heritage of the USA, and AGAINST the current administration's "radical transformation of America" into something new called "CHANGE"-- because it's actually something that is easily recognizable as a Communist takeover!

[QUOTE #2] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    What A Communist Take Over Is Like...!

    In the introduction to his 1967 book The Wurmbrand Letters, Romanian pastor Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, who moved to the US in 1966, has written the warning for the West found in the passage below:

   I have been an eye-witness to the Communist take over of my homeland. I have lived under Communism. I can assure you it is not simply "changing one social order for another." It is not simply a "different approach to economic problems." A take over by Communism is the total destruction of civilization as we know it and everything we hold dear. It is a violent destruction of all values, the ferocity of which you cannot imagine. I have seen it happen with my eyes.
   I can tell you firsthand the future which men are planning now for America and your little "Mary" or your little "Billy" who now play on the carpet before your eyes.
   It is said that one out of ten of our people of Rumania has passed through Communist prisons. In the West, where capitalism flourishes more than before with us and you have such independent, free peoples, it will be a much greater number. I have seen prisons packed with prisoners. The youngest was 9, the oldest 92. I have seen Christian children of 13 with their teeth kicked out and their bones broken, lying in cells in agony. I know of children beaten to death before the eyes of their parents because these were Christians. The horrible sounds of cells full of young children crying in the dark for their mothers and fathers can never be told. I have heard this many, many nights all night long. This is a Communist take over. It is not a "changing of social systems," but a bloody purge which reaches out to touch almost every family of a country. In our land, almost every family had a loved one imprisoned, beaten, tortured or killed.
   Recently in Red China, Catholic priests were buried alive. We have news that the Red Guard which beat men publicly on the streets has gone into the jails and there, out of sight, has cut off the ears, tongues and legs of Christian prisoners.
   If the Communists come to power in the West, this will be your fate and the fate of your children. It will touch every family as it did with us in Rumania. In my book "Tortured for Christ" I have given many proofs from Communist sources about the anti-Christian terror now reigning in the Communist countries. Just now, mass-arrests of Christians are happening across the Soviet Union. Some of those arrested have died as a result of the tortures. This is in Russia. Today! There has never existed one Communist country in which Christians have not been jailed, unspeakably tortured and killed. Is America-- the big target-- going to be any different? Remember, this isn't research, study or hypothetical dreaming. I have seen it happen. This is the "paradise" and the new social order" which the Communists prepare for America and the whole free world!
   Read the books of Marx and Lenin and you will see that they will never be satisfied with less than world revolution. The whole world must be under their domination. Some say they are becoming more "practical" and "realistic" and not so doctrinaire. This is the "intermediate" step to lull America to sleep.
              -- from p. 8-9, The Wurmbrand Letters by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, in the 1972 edition

    Vote "No" on Nov. 2, 2010 (in the USA)! Serve King Jesus Christ as a Christian worker on Earth... be His genuine follower by not failing to vote for the Christian heritage of the US!

    Vote with a good conscience on Nov. 2 and vote for:

    No atheistic Marxist-agenda conquest of the USA.
    No Presidential takeover of the US government.
    No Islamophobic surrender to Muslim terrorists/invaders.
    No Big Brother control/surveilance by radical liberals.
    No more Socialist Liberals' censorship of conservative news radio, the mass media, and the church pulpits.
    No more big-government domination of a once-free people.
    No more enslavement to Caesar's rule; no position of lordship for Caesar (or Obama).
    No more Communist incursions and inroads for the map of the USA.
    No more National Socialism dictatorship maneuvers in the USA.
    No more liberal re-writing of history or "re-interpreting" of America's historic Constitution.
    No more "fundamental transformation" by Obama (and his cronies) of America's Constitutional Republic.
    No more re-defining of the Constitution's plain language.
    No more submission to the lies of "judicial interpretation" and a "living" (i.e. unfixed, malleable, and "open to re-interpretation") Constitution.
    No more circumventing the Constitution with "executive orders" and unelected "czars."
    No more giving of power to unGodly judges and unGodly politicians.
    No more wild deficit-spending by radical liberals and socialism-aimed poiticians.
    No more treasonous and immoral behavior from radical-liberal politicians.
    No further stealing of America's God-given freedoms by the federal government.
    No further theft of "state's rights" by the imperialistic federal government.
    No further destruction of America's long-cherished Christian heritage.
    No surrender to America's anti-God minorities.
    No surrender to Godless Liberalism.

    If you are a citizen of the USA on Nov 2, 2010... then take a stand for the Christian Freedom heritage of the USA by voting AGAINST the further advance of Communism/National Socialism in the USA.

    Vote against every anti-Christian politician, every liberal, and every devil-serving Dim- wit in this next election. The devilish Dem-wits can't save us from Almighty YHWH God's judgment upon an unrighteous and anti-God society... but faith in Jesus Christ can. Vote AGAINST the anti-Christ forces if you serve Jesus only and Caesar is NOT your Lord. Vote AGAINST Satan's lies, AGAINST the Anti-Christ trends, and FOR Almighty YHWH God's truth on Nov 2.

    Be Bible-minded in your voting and vote for the good guys, NOT for the bad guys! Let Jesus be Lord! No king but Jesus!

    You can vote even before Nov. 2, in many USA states, with the Early Voting process! Vote TODAY if you can!

[QUOTE #3] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    US Church Leaders Neglect A Duty To Their Own Flocks...

    Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the Jewish/Christian author of Tortured For Christ (1967), writing again in The Wurmbrand Letters (1967 also), gives us the loud warning against the threat of radical-liberal ideology and Marxist imperialism that is found in the quotation below. In this passage, Rev. Wurmbrand sounds for all the churches in the US a clear alarm concerning the very real and very current threat of infiltration by socialists and Marxist Communists:

    I come from the Communist world, and I write and speak mostly about Communism, but I am not obsessed with the Communist problem. Wesley has said "The whole world is my parish," and I could say the same thing about myself. Many of the Western church leaders are guilty not only of neglecting the suffering Christians behind the Iron Curtain, they are guilty of neglecting their duties toward the whole world. I could say that in some ways the situation of the church behind the Iron Curtain is much less alarming than that of the church in the West. In England the number of those who go to church is decreasing continually. At Easter 1966 only three per cent of the population of London attended a religious service. In Great Britain, of each thousand of children who go to Sunday school, only 27 become afterwards members of the church. In the whole of Scandinavia the percentage of those who attend regularly church services is something around 5 per cent. Have you seen your church leaders very concerned about this?
    Some of the Western church leaders are shepherds who don't care for their own flocks, and it may seen naive from my part to have asked from them to care for the persecuted flock behind the Iron Curtain.
    But now I don't speak any more to them. I speak to you, the rank and file Christian and pastor. You must know the truth which your leaders hide from you.
    Lenin wrote in his 15th Volume, "The Marxist must be a materialist, it is an enemy of religion." The enmity between Marxism and Christianity is as fundamental as the enmity between God and Satan, and between sin and righteousness.
    Communists, as long as they remain Communists, can never be something else than mass torturers and mass killers of Christians, and mass poisoners of children and youth with atheism.
    The blood of the killed brethren and the blood of the children whose souls will be lost because of the atheism which they have been taught, will be on your church leaders which have complied with Communism. But will it be only on them? Will it not be on you, too?
          -- from p. 140-141 in Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's book The Wurmbrand Letters, in the 1972 edition

[QUOTE #4] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    US Church Leaders Don't Protest Against Communist Atrocities...

    Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the Jewish/Christian author of Tortured For Christ (1967), writing again in The Wurmbrand Letters (1967 also), gives us the loud warning against the threat of radical-liberal ideology and Marxist imperialism that is found in the quotation below. In this passage, Rev. Wurmbrand sounds for all the churches in the US a clear alarm concerning the very real and very current threat of infiltration by socialists and Marxist Communists:

    Never can any church leader who loves Christ ever think about anything else than that the power of anti-Christ must be overthrown, and that we must join hands with those behind the Iron Curtain, who after more than 50 years of terror, still defy the oppressors and fight against them.
    Lenin, in his book, What Is To Do, written in 1903, asked the Communists to exploit the persecution of the Protestant sects for their own purposes and the Communists really did it. The adversaries of Communism are not as wise as the children of this world. The Communists used the wrong done by the Czarist authorities against Protestantism for their purposes. The West doesn't use this persecution of Christians for propagating the cause of freedom and we don't even publish the facts!
          -- from p. 142 in Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's book The Wurmbrand Letters, in the 1972 edition

[QUOTE #5] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    Many Church Leaders In US Assist In Communist Takeover Of America...!

    In the introduction to his 1967 book The Wurmbrand Letters, Romanian pastor Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, who moved to the US in 1966, has written the warning for the West found in the passage below:

   You, free Westerners, your fate will be tragic if you will not counteract Communism in your country. Don't be lulled to sleep by certain of your church leaders who work day and night to soften your opposition to Communism, to cause you to forget its dangers!
   I know that I am a very insignificant Christian, but you hear through me the warning of those who cannot speak for themselves-- the warning of the Underground Church which speaks out of fifty years of Communist torture and killings. It is this Underground Church which is the only effective opposition in Communist lands today. It is this Church which warns you that if you do not help it, its fate may well be yours.
   Consciously or unconsciously, some Western church leaders work day and night at the softening of the West's resistance to Communism, at the lulling to sleep of its people.To me, this is betrayal.
   It is betrayal of the millions of Westerners who will pay the price we have paid in Rumania.
   It is betrayal of their children who will suffer what our children have suffered.
   Apostate Churchianity may enter into an agreement with Communism, but Christianity will never do so.
   You, free Westerners, learn from our tragedy!
              -- from p. 27-28, The Wurmbrand Letters by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, in the 1972 edition

[Quote #6] =   Listen to Rev. Richard Wurmbrand ... 
    He Would Not Stay Silent As America Was Being Betrayed For A Takeover By Socialists...

    Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the Jewish/Christian author of Tortured For Christ (1967), writing again in his later book The Wurmbrand Letters (1967 also), gives us the loud warning against the threat of radical-liberal ideology and Marxist imperialism that is found in the quotation below. In this passage, Rev. Wurmbrand sounds for all the churches in the US a clear alarm concerning the very real and very current threat of infiltration by socialists and Marxist Communists:

    A native of Rumania, I have been an eye-witness to my first fatherland's betrayal, overthrow and fall to Communism. It has not been through sheer, brute, military force of the Soviets but also through a subtle and infinitely clever betrayal from within which paved the way for the final physical take over. I wept when I saw it happen before my eyes. Now that I have come to America, I have been astonished beyond words and deeply grieved as I see the same symptoms, the same step-by-step betrayal which overthrew my first fatherland. It is like a nightmare which I have lived through, happening again . . . coming back a second time. I spoke out without counting the cost when I eye-witnessed my first fatherland, Rumania, being betrayed. I will not now remain silent as I see the same symptoms, the same tragedy beginning to happen again to my second fatherland, America.
          -- from p. 5 in Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's book The Wurmbrand Letters, in the 1972 edition