God's Explanation Of Human History And His Goal
For Our Planet Earth

As Envisioned by Kenneth Street, the Earth-Trekker
And Written Down By Him

Section Links:

1) Divine Selection 2) A Logical Solar System 3) The Cosmic Theater
4) The God-Man Interface 5) The Reality Zone 6) The Star of Royal Beauty
7) A Supernova At Armageddon 8) An Ocean Of Lights


Copyright 2004 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr., Used By Permission.
Taken from his book Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System.

4. The God-Man Interface Section Links

A human being should be able to understand even a difficult concept like the TRINITY of God! You should ask yourselves: Is there a REASONABLE explanation for the idea of 3 Persons in One God?

Why would Your God wish to be born in a human form for a visit to Earth?

Your God needed an interface to better communicate with humankind . . . so He created the God-Man Jesus Christ to be that interface.

< 1 >

"WHY IN HEAVEN'S NAME would people call Jesus Christ 'God in human form' instead of merely 'the Son of God'?? Why do some people believe he's a co-equal person of a Divine Trinity that defines the nature of God??" Humans have often wondered . . .


< 2 >

Your God did this because He needed a better interface for communicating with the world that He had created, a tool by which to interact with the human race and do a better job of teaching you. . . because He knew that the best means of teaching is by setting a good example as a role-model. He also needed a device by which He could rescue a sinful and chaotic world from its own foolishness.

< 3 >

And Your God knew that He could easily set this plan in motion, since through all of eternity, long before this Universe was ever created, He had always existed in a perfect Three-Part Nature, in a Divine Being that was comprised of God/Father, God/Son, and God/ Spirit.

The multi-faceted Persons of God's Being were ever connected in the Divine Unity of God. But He chose to dislodge a portion of Himself and to have God The Son born on Earth in a human form -- as Jesus Christ.

< 4 >

Thus God The Father willed that through the agency of the holy God/Spirit, a virgin named Mary would be greatly blessed and would miraculously conceive a fetus that had no human father. . . a child who would be named Jesus and later "Christ," the Anointed One.

This "half-human, half-God" child grew up in wisdom and holiness to become a Holy Superbeing by whom God intended to rescue a hell-bent world from its own evil destructiveness.

< 5 >

Theologians who are authorities on the Bible and Biblical history agree that Jesus was not merely half-human and half-God. The Bible teaches you that when Jesus walked the Earth in his human body He was FULLY HUMAN and FULLY GOD in a simultaneous way that is difficult for you to comprehend.

Jesus functioned then as a communication facilitator, and that is still His role today.

< 6 >

The FULLNESS of His relationship to Earth's humanity and to the Father God in Heaven is what makes the God/Man Jesus Christ . . . a correct and utterly PERFECT INTERFACE for divine communication. He is God's chosen instrument!

< 7 >

Jesus is also the ONLY MEDIATOR whom God finds acceptable to intervene on your behalf. Your sins make it difficult for you to even approach Creation's King in His Holy Place.

God will allow only Jesus Christ (God The Son) to speak up for you as a FACILITATOR/ ATTORNEY in any defense of sinful human beings before the Heavenly Court. Jesus can BE YOUR ADVOCATE with His Father.

< 8 >

TO MAKE YOUR PRAYERS HEARD AND TRULY EFFECTIVE WITH GOD The Father, you must communicate with Him through HIS PERFECT INTERFACE, which is His Chosen Instrument . . . His Only Begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST. . . the child born of Mary in Bethlehem.

< 9 >

YOUR PRAYERS TO GOD CAN BRING YOU RESCUE only if you are praying correctly through Jesus, God's Son, in accord with a designated "LINE-OF-COMMAND" WHICH GOD HAS APPOINTED FOR THIS VAST UNIVERSE.

< 10 >

To UNDERSTAND GOD AND GOD'S PLANS, you must first sense God's mind and His will through the intervention of God's Spirit. Then you must continue to receive guidance from God's Spirit (one Person of the Divine Trinity). You can correctly understand the mind of God only by gaining a full and complete knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ (God The Son, a second Person of the Divine Trinity).

< 11 >

JESUS is THE DIVINE INTERFACE that makes all this possible. God made Him a Savior who can rescue human beings from the punishment of sins.

Your God reveals His Son Jesus and Himself to a human being whenever you read or hear the truths that He has planted in the Holy Scriptures of the Bible. A seed of His truth, buried in a human being, can either grow in His Light, or it can be ignored, and it may then perish in that darkness which many humans keep inside themselves.

< 12 >

You can see it grow by placing Jesus Christ, who in the Trinity of God created your Universe, upon a throne at the center of your heart! He deserves that position and that kind of respect. He was first God The Son, but when born in human flesh he became the only sinless and righteous person who ever lived. Yet he sacrificed himself on a cross for your sake, taking all guilt and sins upon himself in order that you and your race -- all the people of the Earth -- might be saved from eternal torment. My son did this in order that whoever wishes for salvation might be rescued from the due punishment of sins.

< 13 >

If you choose to accept Jesus Christ and pray to receive His illumination, then His Holy Spirit will come to reside within you forever. He will be a fiery energy-force inside you that will burn eternally and give you a perpetual guidance. He will stay with you in all Earthly trials, and beyond.

< 14 >

By doing this, you will gain a new contentment and inner peace as you accept God's organizational plan for the Universe . . . because you'll be letting God be the Ruler of All Things in your world . . . and in your own life.

Jesus said of Himself, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. I and the Father are One."

Jesus said also of Himself, "Truly I tell you, before Abraham was even born, I AM." Moses had long ago learned from God that God's name was "I AM."

Your God needed an interface to better communicate with humankind . . . so He created the God-Man Jesus Christ to be that interface . . .

Copyright 2004 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr., Used By Permission.
Taken from his book Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System.

The above material is one section of a book by Kenneth Street entitled

Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System

and is Copyright protected by him, with all rights reserved by the author.

It is posted here with permission of the author. If you'd like to see other sections posted here, please write an e-mail message to that effect.

Publishers and other interested persons can contact the author via his Netscape WebMail address, eztraveller@netscape.net, when desiring to see the entire book.

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