God's Explanation Of Human History And His Goal
For Our Planet Earth
As Envisioned by Kenneth Street, the Earth-Trekker
And Written Down By Him
Section Links:
1) Divine Selection
2) A Logical Solar System
3) The Cosmic Theater
4) The God-Man Interface
5) The Reality Zone
6) The Star of Royal Beauty
7) A Supernova At Armageddon
8) An Ocean Of Lights
Copyright 2004 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr., Used By Permission.
Taken from his book Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System.
Humanity has always wished to know details of its future on
your planet, and
dreams of a fantastic destiny which is yet to be fulfilled. This being so, the
peoples of your world should be informed of some very significant news: A Great
Darkness is soon to come upon the Earth, but a Supernova of Light will appear in
the skies over Armageddon.
I AM a God of Light, and in Me there is no darkness.
But on your planet Earth, a Fallen
World is growing darker with each passing century. Sin is running rampant on your home
planet, and soon it will overpower many with despair, as they see the terrible things that are
coming upon your Earth. Many will lose the desire to live, and feel they are fighting for a lost
cause. Many will be inclined to give up, to surrender to the powerful trends which seem
impossible to resist.
Satan is the Prince of Darkness, and he has been working for centuries
toward a sinister
transmutation of your Earth. The Prince of Darkness wishes to make the Earth a Shadow
World in which he reigns supreme.
A great tragedy is about to occur on your Earth. Satan and his army of
demons will soon
dominate a vast majority of the nations on Earth, and the Antichrist governments which
proliferate will be unrestrained in their persecution of those godly persons who seek to follow
My Adversary came very near to establishing a worldwide kingdom on
Earth during the
1960's, 1970's, and 1980's. During that time period, the Antichrist forces of the Communist
governments came to dominate two-thirds of the Earth. Muslim nations also perpetrated
violent persecution of Christian believers in the nations of Africa and Asia.
Satan knows that he will eventually have his way with Earth. He will put
an Antichrist
dictator in a position of authority over your Earth, and the oppression of My followers will
reach an ascendancy far beyond what it has ever been before.
Satan will then claim that he has won his war against God, and he will
insist that evil has
triumphed. Satan will then proclaim to the Earth his declaration of ownership, saying that
the Children of Light have been vanquished by the Children of Darkness.
The demonic forces will victimize the righteous in many nations, and
Christian believers in
many nations will be anguished when they see that such things are allowed to happen in
their world.
The War Between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness
has been carried
forward for a great many years on the battlefields of Earth. Satan has always maintained
that his forces are stronger, wiser, more efficient, more prosperous, and more successful
than are the Children of Light. When Satan and his Antichrist dictator at last rule the Earth,
the Prince of Darkness will insist that he has proven himself right.
At that time, Your God will use His Science of Transformation to good
effect, in order to
salvage a bad situation and redeem the Fallen Earth. At that time, when all the sinful can
fully see the fruit of their evil ways, I Myself will intervene in the affairs of humanity and will
rescue your planet Earth.
On that day which is soon to occur, the great Battle of Armageddon will
be about to begin.
The Antichrist forces will be gathered together in the plain of Armageddon, and will be about
to launch another attack upon My Chosen People, there in the nation of Israel. Your sinful
world will then be in a state of darkness worse than anything it has ever previously known.
The destruction of your Earth will then be imminent, and no
human-engineered solution will
be feasible.
At that moment, My Son the Christ will appear in the skies above Israel
like a brilliant New
Sun for the Earth. He will appear as a Supernova of Light floating over the plain of
My Son the Christ will return to reclaim His rightful throne as the proper
ruler of your Earth,
and he will bring a sudden illumination to the cold blackness of your sin-enveloped world!
My Son the Christ, Who once embodied a tiny human form and walked
your Earth as the
sinless Jesus of Nazareth, will be making His Re-Entry to Earth as a Spectacle of Light
which will be seen by all peoples on your planet.
In the brilliant sight of Jesus Christ returning to Earth, human minds will
be abruptly
unshuttered and illuminated. In the brilliance of this sudden illumination, humanity will see
that Jesus Christ is "the Sun of Righteousness who rises with healing in its
The wicked, however, like to work their evil deeds while wrapped in the
cloak of night, and
they fear being exposed to public view by the brightness of sunlight. It will be much the
same at the time of My Son's Second Advent to your Earth. In a like fashion, the evil
persons of that day will be suddenly filled with panic and dread, because they know that their
evil ways are about to be exposed in the Pure Light of Almighty God.
At that time, the night skies over the plain of Armageddon will first
appear to all eyes as utter
darkness, and will be pitch-black, without any trace of moonlight or starlight. In the prelude
for the Re-Entry of Christ to Earth, there will be no stars and no moon, nor will any other
source of light be visible in the night sky over Armageddon.
Then My Son comes quickly, as a sudden explosion of
Light that overwhelms the Earth. To
human eyes, he will be an awesome display of Light that dwarfs any other light-show they
have ever seen.
My Son's Return will be much like a sun that goes suddenly supernova,
with a vast and far-reaching explosion of Light. The New Sun will dwarf the one named Sol that
nourished your Earth, and will reduce that one to insignificance.
As the light of the Star of Bethlehem celebrated the arrival of baby Jesus
long ago, so the
New Sun of Christ's Appearing will proclaim the Return of God to Earth.
The Sun of Righteousness, My Son Jesus Christ, will then descend to
Earth in the brilliance
of His Glorified Body, which is the body of His Resurrection. He will descend first to the
Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, that very Mount from which He left the Earth long centuries
past, nearly two thousand years ago.
After the torment of His crucifixion, My Son Jesus died and was buried,
but after three days
He rose to life again in a glorious new Resurrection Body. My Son then spent 40 days with
His disciples, appearing to crowds of as many as 500 people in His glorified Resurrection
Body, until that final day when He said farewell to His followers on the Mount of Olives.
From that hilltop, He ascended to Heaven, floating away before their wondering eyes --
rising upward till He had ascended beyond the atmosphere of Earth.
He will return to that exact same spot on the Mount of Olives in
Jerusalem, descending to
Earth again in that same manner by which He once ascended to Heaven. But this time, His
Glorified Resurrection Body will display a brilliance never before seen by human eyes, as
the Lord Jesus Christ makes His triumphal Re-Entry to Earth.
As His foot touches the earth of the Mount of Olives for the first time in
a score of centuries,
a mighty earthquake will be seen to occur, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two by the
footprint of the returning Christ.
This will be the beginning of His Second Advent to Earth. Then all
unrighteousness and
every evil thing will be removed from the Earth by the power of Christ the King, for My Son
the Christ will rule over a New Earth.
My servant Malachi has written: "For behold, the day is coming,
burning like a furnace; and
all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them
ablaze," says the Lord of Hosts, "so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for
you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. . ." [4:1-2]
The Supernova effect of Christ's Return to Earth will be a gigantic
explosion that purifies
your world with fire, and it will set ablaze all that is evil on the Earth. While I promised Noah
that I would never again destroy the Earth with water, I revealed also to the people of your
world that I would someday purify your Earth with fire. That day is coming soon.
My servant Matthew has written in My Book and has recorded the
words of My Son. Jesus
said to the people of your Earth, "The kingdom of heaven is like a net that God has cast into
the sea, and it gathers of every kind: When it is full, it will be pulled up on the shore, where
they will sit down to sort the catch, and they will collect the good fish in baskets, but the
things will be thrown away. This is the way it will be at the end of the world: The
shall come forth, and they will separate the unrighteous persons from among those justified
by God. . ." [13:47-50]
The New Earth of Christ will exist for a period of time that will extend
beyond a thousand
years, and there will be no more suffering, nor toil, nor sadness. Satan's War Against
Babies, and the ancient War Between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness, will be
finally ended.
The Prince of Darkness will be cast down at that time, consigned to a
lake of eternal fire. He
will no longer be able to harm the peoples of the Earth.
On the New Earth, Jesus Christ Glorified will reign as King of Kings,
living with all His
servants on a transformed world.
There will be no more War. The injured bodies of the fallen soldiers of
God, maimed and
mutilated in bygone centuries, will be restored to full health. There will be no more
starvation, no more slavery, no more disease. On the New Earth, there will be no more
torment, no more testing, no more affliction of any kind. Peace, love, and righteousness will
exist for all the peoples of the New Earth. Fairness and loving-kindness will then be found
on Earth. The world called Earth will be fixed at last, and it will never again hold
abominations of any kind.
And the Sun of Righteousness will rule, with healing in His arms.
Copyright 2004 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr., Used By Permission.
Taken from his book Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System.
The above material is one section of a book by Kenneth Street entitled
Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System
and is Copyright protected by him, with all rights reserved by the author.
It is posted here with permission of the author. If you'd like to see other sections posted here, please write an e-mail message to that effect.
Publishers and other interested persons can contact the author via his Netscape WebMail address, eztraveller@netscape.net, when desiring
to see the entire book.