God's Explanation Of Human History And His Goal
For Our Planet Earth
As Envisioned by Kenneth Street, the Earth-Trekker
And Written Down By Him
Section Links:
1) Divine Selection
2) A Logical Solar System
3) The Cosmic Theater
4) The God-Man Interface
5) The Reality Zone
6) The Star of Royal Beauty
7) A Supernova At Armageddon
8) An Ocean Of Lights
Copyright 2004 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr., Used By Permission.
Taken from his book Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System.
Human beings look up at the blackness of space, and they
wonder what they
should make of this strange Universe in which they find themselves. They see the
Earth and the stars of the night sky, and they think that perhaps those starry
lights have been placed above them as new territory that they must someday seek
to conquer.
For countless centuries, the people of your Earth have labored under a
misconception of that
sort. But there is another way to perceive the starry Universe which surrounds you, a
perspective that will give you a much better gestalt.
I want you to have a good understanding of your Universe, so that you
see the overall picture
and are able to comprehend your own place in that picture. I want you to have a Godlike
Overview of your Universe as you behold its various manifestations.
It is certainly not correct to think of your Universe as a black void, or as
an ocean of
darkness, that must be traversed by human beings. Nor is it a Great Emptiness that is
sporadically lit by little candles of light. Nor is it a vast territory that must be conquered by
It is far more accurate to conceive your Universe as an Ocean of Lights.
I have said in My Book that the angels of God are "the stars of Heaven."
I have told you in
My Book that My Son Jesus Christ is "the light of the world." I have told you that His
followers are able to reflect the light of Christ and be likewise "a light for the world."
Your Universe may be best understood as an ocean of angels and spirits.
The righteous
angels who remained loyal to their Creator are the bright angels -- the bright stars of
Universe. Where they reside, there is a region of illumination. The unrighteous angels who
fell from grace with Lucifer are the dark angels -- the dark stars of your Universe.
they reside, there is a region of darkness and despair.
The dark angel is like a "black hole" in your Universe: This dark star has
extinguished all
light in its vicinity, and it seeks to swallow any light-waves that come its way. Everything that
falls under its sway is sucked into it, and it stays busy consuming and destroying all things
that come within range of its influence. It is a mistake to go near those dark areas, for these
dark stars would like to pull you down to Hell, in order that you might share their own sorry
The bright angels are like the white stars, blue-white stars, yellow stars,
and red stars of your
Universe: Each bright star can provide light, warmth, and nourishment for a solar system
that is composed of many worlds and millions of individuals. A righteous angel can thus be
of enormous help to a great many people, as well as to the God he serves.
But none of these bright angels can have an impact nearly so great as the
influence of My Son the Christ, whose brilliant light can bring far more healing and
nourishment than could ever be found in one of the bright angels. The influence of the Light
of Christ is vastly more beneficial than that of any other agent in My starry Universe.
Human beings have spirits that can provide additional light for the
shadowy areas of your
Universe, where the dark angels have done their damage. An unsaved human being is able
to generate almost no light at all, so he is rather like a dead star.
But when that human being has been converted by the redemption of
the Christ, he
becomes instead like a tiny newborn sun, with the fire of God's Holy Spirit imbedded within
him. Embodied in a biological shell is the fire of God's Spirit, blazing deep within. The light
and warmth that issues from his spirit-star, this inner sun which he carries everywhere he
goes, can nourish innumerable people on the surface of the Earth.
He or she then becomes an agent of God, a miniature star living in a
human form which
walks the Earth -- reflecting the Light of God in a fashion similar to My angels and My Son
the Christ. At first his faith will be quite strong, as a general rule, and the converted person
will put out quite a bit of light. Later on, as the years go by, he sometimes gets worn-out by
the struggles and cares of life; but even then, he will manage to put out a little extra light for
the world.
If We were to continue our comparison with the stars of the night sky,
one might say that the
unregenerated man is, at the best evaluation, a bit like a miniature of a white-dwarf star --
his spirit is a near-dead sun, a dying star that does not put out much light or heat.
Through the salvation of Jesus Christ, the Child of Darkness will see his
spirit suddenly
burst aflame with the fire of God. In his soul there will be kindled a new flame, which can
eventually transform him into a miniature sun for God, like a small reflection of the Sun of
Righteousness. If he seeks to truly follow his savior, and if he adheres to the teachings of
Jesus Christ . . . then he will generate a genuine light and warmth that will be recognized by
many persons, and he will become a miniature reflection of the Sun of Righteousness.
Do not conceive of your Universe as a place of great darkness and
despair. Avoid that route
if you are able to do so. By such a perception, you will experience only grief and
Do not think of your Universe as an Ocean of Darkness, in which you
are riding upon the
tiny raft which is the Earth. It is far better to think of your Universe as an Ocean of Spirit, a
great sea of angels and souls.
The angels and spirits of your Universe need the Light in order to
flourish, if they are to
thrive and prosper. They must receive that Light from God, and then channel it outward to
the others around them.
In the region of the dark stars are the demonic forces, so you must stay
far away from these
"black holes" which exist in your Universe. The demons need no more companions for their
horrid hells, so you humans should not permit them to gain that sick pleasure which they
would find in your despair.
My Universe is not a Great Void, nor a Vast Realm of Darkness. Your
God is a God of Light,
and I AM everywhere, omnipresent, existing in all parts of your Universe at all times.
I AM Light, and I AM everywhere in your Universe. My energy-waves,
the energy-waves of
the God of Life, exist in all parts of your Universe, even in the dark spaces between the
Copyright 2004 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr., Used By Permission.
Taken from his book Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System.
The above material is one section of a book by Kenneth Street entitled
Earth-Trekker's Voyage: Exploring The Solar System
and is Copyright protected by him, with all rights reserved by the author.
It is posted here with permission of the author. If you'd like to see other sections posted here, please write an e-mail message to that effect.
Publishers and other interested persons can contact the author via his e-mail address,
or via his Netscape WebMail address, eztraveller@netscape.net, when desiring
to see the entire book.